Rabat Dar Es Salam: the 23rd Edition of the Hassan II “Tbourida”

tbourida morocco event

The 23rd edition of the Hassan II “Tbourida” Trophy, Moroccan championship of Traditional Equestrian Arts, will take place the week of May 27 to June 2, in Dar Es Salam, Rabat.

Organized by the Royal Moroccan Federation of Equestrian Sports (FRMSE), chaired by Charif Moulay Abdallah Alaoui, this event will bring together the best “Tbourida” troops in the Kingdom.

Following regional and interregional competitions planned throughout the year, 24 “Sorbas”, including 18 Sorbas Seniors (aged 17 and over) and 6 Sorbas Juniors (aged 12 to 16), qualified for this competition. They will compete for the coveted title of “Champion of Morocco”.

tbourida dar essalam morocco event

All of the Hassan II Tbourida Trophy events will be broadcast live on the FRMSE website. For the public wishing to attend the event, free transport from Rabat, Salé, Témara and Ain Aouda to the competition site will be provided.

As a reminder, Tbourida, at the suggestion of Morocco, was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site in December 2021.

This traditional discipline, handed down from generation to generation, unites the various regions of the Kingdom in a festive spirit and showcases their equestrian and craft diversity.

Specifies the Federation in a press release. She adds that :

Today, Morocco has more than 300 Tbourida troupes affiliated with the FRMSE and 5,900 horses dedicated to Traditional Equestrian Arts.

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